domenica 26 settembre 2010

The creature from the Black Lagoon

Canvases painted before the summer for a Monster's show in Rome.
i'm in love with the gillman

stencil on canvas
70x70 cm
7 layers

venerdì 24 settembre 2010

Where the Wild Things Are

A night time draw made yesterday before going to sleep.
The book of the wild things is in my heart, and the Spike Jonze's movie too.

giovedì 23 settembre 2010

i dimenticati

it's always nice when you find something that you have done and after few days completly forget. here's a nice draw i've done some months ago, actually i don't remember exactly when it happens.
it's inspired by a stencil i've cutted for the green day's project, this one.

mercoledì 22 settembre 2010

MartaSuiTubi+Lucamaleonte live@Castel S.Angelo

On saturday i've painted a strange pipe installation during a live concert from the Marta sui tubi's band.
Very strange feelings about that, painting in front of so much people maybe not really interested about my work, i still need to understand everything that happened that night, if i liked it.
Anyway here are some pics taken by COSIMO TRIMBOLI

Some canvas from "Handcut" my last solo show in Bergamo